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Planning and designing holistically with Darren Doherty – Podcast vom 12. Juli 2021

Text und Podcast von The Regenerative Agroforestry:

Farms are an expression of a climate, soil and farmer’s potential. All need to be considered in order to create holistically functional systems. Reaching this depth is a complex task, but thanks to the work of innovators like Darren Doherty we have tools and techniques that help us make smarter decisions.

This episode deals with the big picture: the patterns, the behaviours and the context that are vital to any farmer and his ‹whole under management›. Too often, planning is not given enough emphasis, causing huge losses in resources. Darren bring his vast experience to the table, in an interview that we hope will make you think as much as it made us!

Link zum Podcast bei Regenerative Agroforestry:


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