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Relations among soil moisture, soil compaction and earthworm abundance in conventional, organic and permaculture horticulture farms – Publikation vom November 2020

Relations among soil moisture, soil compaction and earthworm abundance in conventional, organic and permaculture horticulture farms -an ecosystem service approach

Deutsch: Beziehungen zwischen Bodenfeuchtigkeit, Bodenverdichtung und Regenwurmvorkommen in konventionellen, biologischen und permakultur-Gartenbaubetrieben – ein Ansatz für Ökosystemdienstleistungen

Soil provides various ecosystem services for humans like climate regulation, carbon storage, nutrient and water cycling. Despite its crucial role, the soil is still less appreciated and managed responsibly. Soil compaction and earthworm abundance are good indicators of soil quality, while soil moisture affects both parameters. Our objective with this study was to compare different farming systems in terms of these characteristics of the soil. Fifteen different farms were selected in Hungary with similar size (0,4-2 hectares), agroecological features and production type (horticulture) while having the difference in farming system type: one intensive (conventional), and two extensive types (organic and permaculture). Penetration resistance was measured in September 2020 using an Eijkelkamp Penetrologger to a depth of 0-80 cm, while soil moisture content in the top 5 cm was measured at each point using an attached 4 pin Soil Moisture Sensor Theta Probe at 6 points in each site. Earthworms were sampled in September 2020, six replicates on each site, by hand sorting of 25x25x25 cm soil blocks. Soils were most compacted in the permaculture sites, while earthworms were most abundant also here. Soil moisture was most optimal and balanced across organic farms while least optimal in the permaculture farms. It seems that there was a correlation between soil moisture, compaction and earthworm abundance as where moisture was highest, compaction profiles had less oscillation and earthworm abundance was greater. We plan to continue our research by studying farm management to understand better the influencing factors.

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Bild: Csaba Centeri

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